Friday, November 30, 2007

Rounding Out November

At the end of November we had most of the windows, but not in the sunroom. It's still my favorite view!

They started framing the inside. It's starting to take shape.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Buttoning up...continued

The second half of November was very busy at the cabin.
The basement slider went in.

And the bedroom windows.

Dad got to help put in the gigantic kitchen windows.

They're BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thanksgiving weekend Jeff was very busy!

He and Dad started by putting up temporary lighting.

Then they firred out the garage walls,

Built the garage closet, (Look how helpful Abby is. She's holding that wall in place with one paw!)

And installed black pipe for compressed air.

They worked so hard in the cold that Jack had to take a break for some hot cocoa!

After we left Tom finished more sheeting and started on the interior walls! He is FAST!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thankgiving 2007

We spent Thanksgiving weekend in the Northwoods.
I got to work on the 2007 picture frame.

Lisa made a special surprise for her favorite niece.

Jack and Grandpa had movie night in their new Elmer Fudd hats that Aunt Lis made.

Jeff did some dancing.

Grandma took a lot of pictures (see above) and also went for a chilly walk or two. I worked on warming up her hands.

Abby worked on not getting shot. Hunting season is a bear!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Buttoning up

The first Friday in November we got to see all the progress we'd only seen in pictures.

The septic system had gone in.

Jeff got to see where the outside shower is going to go.

I got to stand in my kitchen.

Jack got to climb on the rock retaining wall.

We worked together to move a wood pile to make room for the pig (propane tank).

After we left they finished sheeting the roof...

and started shingling.

From the front it looks like a little cabin...

but Dad calls it "The Big House".

Monday, November 05, 2007


Jeff and Kim brought the family up to look at the house across the street that is for sale.

The kids had a great time in the new cabin

and on the rocks.
We had some time in the afternoon so we put them to work.

Spreading grass seed.

Raking grass seed.

Spreading straw....

Spreading straw really makes you thirsty!
Cole worked so hard she needed a rest!

We went for a hay ride too. Kim became a master Reuben driver...even uphill!

We hope they find a cabin up there so our sons may become soul mates too.