Monday, April 28, 2008

JKLMNO's Dock Goes In

Oz's bought their cabin in January. It is 5 cabins down from ours. It came with a gigantic dock. It took all of the adults on hand to get it into the water.
Ozzie says, "This is heavier than it looks!"
3 men in waders jockey it into position.

This is where the water was higher than Jeff's waders.

This is where we had to have 3 people pull Jeff's wet waders off. He was chilled.

Ozzie says, "It's just about level!"

Kim and I are testing the sturdiness of the dock.

The kids wanted to see if the fish were swimming yet.

The first celebration on the dock!

Our Dock Goes In

When these two soul mates get it in their craw that the docks will go in then the docks will go in. Even if it snows. The pictures of the snow inside the dock didn't turn out, but let me assure you, this was a very cold day. Crazy Men!

This year the challenge was turning the dock over in the water.

They got it set in no time at all once it was turned the right way.

2 Crazy Men make a good dock setting team!