My sisters and their families came up to the cabin in August. Jeff and I brought up 4 kids on Thursday so we got to go fishing on Friday. Jeff offered Windmill double scoops for the first fish and the biggest fish of the day.

Odalis got the first fish.

Marcos got the biggest fish... while eating a sandwich.

That was the weekend after the 5th Harry Potter book came out. Marcos was thrilled that Jeff was finished. He had his nose in that book during every dry moment.

Saturday we rented a jetski.

Jeff and Junior pulled tubers and skiiers.

Marcos got up on skis.
The dock start didn't work, but he was up the first try out of the water!
The girls hung out on the pontoon boat.

Greta played in the sand.

Jack and Isa are buddies!

Junior and Odalis take time to float.

Lola was a fan of the sun in the red floating play pen and with Aunt Kay.

Sunday we got on the boat and went to Adventure Island.

Dawn got to learn how to drive the boat.

Many people tried the rope swing. Jeff showed Junior how it's done.

Junior caught on fast!

Heide got to be an old pro at it too.

Marcos even earned a few dollars by being brave.

We had been out in the sun so much that even I had to cover up!

Dawn enjoyed watching the kids.

Junior enjoyed watching Dawn flip off the tube! Ha!
Abby missed Lola after she was gone.
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